Our Mission
The mission of Moving Everest Charter School is to create a school that dramatically transforms the lives of K–8 students and prepares them for success in college and in life through: the delivery of a rigorous and personalized academic program, a focus on holistic education and the development of strong character.
Our Vision
At Moving Everest, we have a vision to provide the Austin community with an elementary school that prepares the next generation for excellence in high school. And—more importantly—in life.
By focusing on academic and character development, we strive to get 100% of our graduates into one of their top three high school choices. Here, we move mountains to provide our students with an education and support system that will create a transformative experience in their lives—and our community.
Core Principles
Our core principles define who we are and what we believe.
They are our road map to helping every student succeed.
Whole Child Approach
At Moving Everest, we focus on all aspects of the needs of our students: academics, social skills, emotional well-being and physical health to provide the support they need — for the future they deserve.
Culture of High Expectations
The foundation of success starts with our standards. We challenge our students with high academic and behavioral standards to prepare them for success during and after class.
Every Minute Matters Mindset
We approach every day with an "Every Minute Matters" mindset. Time is precious for our scholars, and we don't want to waste a moment. Every minute that we can positively engage a child is one minute, one step closer to the goals we share with our parents and students: the opportunity to access a high-quality high school and prepare themselves to attend college and earn an education.
Instructional Model
Students find success through a variety of instructional approaches at Moving Everest. Our model incorporates whole class, small-group, one-on-one tutoring and technology-assisted instruction. This provides our staff with enhanced student data and progress feedback and our scholars the opportunity for on-grade work, as well as acceleration and remediation which equals success!
Data-Informed Instruction
Data driven. Results oriented. By continually assessing data (such as NWEA MAP, STEP, teacher developed assessments and data from our online content providers) our teachers can create personalized instruction and develop a plan to ensure each and every student is on the right path for achieving success.
Student Ownership
Our staff provides the resources children need to take success into their own hands.
Focus On Reading
We are heavily focused on the importance of reading because books are the ultimate source of knowledge. Moving Everest’s teachers and interventionists are trained to promote reading skills with proven effective strategies through our intensive reading programs. As students excel in foundational phonics, fluency, and comprehension, they seamlessly progress to novel-based literary studies in the upper elementary and middle school grades. Students intentionally engage in fiction and nonfiction texts that expand vocabulary, deepen content knowledge, broaden historical awareness, and develop the ability to construct evidence-based writing.
Character Development
In addition to the emphasis on academic advancements, Moving Everest Charter School is dedicated to developing the “whole child.” We embrace the core paradigm that “everyone can be a leader” (Leader in Me). We provide K-8 scholars with direct SEL lessons, instruct through staff and student modeling and curricular integrations, and offer service learning opportunities throughout the year.
We also value acknowledging growth and accomplishment through positive behavior interventions and supports (PBIS).
Teaching everything from social studies to social skills
Moving Everest brings a focus to social and emotional needs
We understand the social and emotional hurdles the students in our community have to overcome every day. And for a child, it can be a lot. Moving Everest has multiple teams that work closely with students, families and our after-school partner to help address all social and emotional needs. These professionals are here to help ensure the healthy and successful growth of all our students.
Learn more about our leadership team
Free after-school programming for all students
Moving Everest has a community partnership with By The Hand Club. This amazing group helps us address barriers to our students by focusing on literacy, enrichment, and overall well-being. They provide highly-effective solutions and opportunities for early success.
Learn more about By the Hand Club
Home of the Eagles!